
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2023

Goodbye My People ✌

Hello my beautiful people how are u? I hope u are fine, saddly this is my final post :(💔 It was great writing for you and thanks u for read me! I´d like talk about the experience what I  lived writing my posts and reading another blogs of my classmates. First the post I enjoyed writing most was the TV programme of my childhood where I wrote about Gravity Falls and I remember nice memories about my childhood. The post I least enjoyed writting was Last Weekend cuz I didn´t live nothing interesting at the university break bruh.  Of my classmates I enjoyed reading the Marcela´s blog and I think Special ocassions was the post I laughted a lot hahaha.  I think writing this posts help me to improve my English cuz I writing according to the level of English I know and help me showing me with a little help (u know what I talking about)  the mistakes I do when I write. This mistakes will help me to improve my writing.  I like Blogger cuz make me feel like I´d be a famous 💫! And the thing I dis