Coldplay Memory

Hi guys, Kamy is here again!

Today I'm a bit nostalgic because today I saw this picture in my mobile's gallery and I´d love to tell you the story of this photo.

This photo it´s from the last year in the first date of the Coldplay´s concert in Chile and taken by my old brother, it was on 20 September and the ticket was a gift of my family for my birthday. The moment of the photo show us the last song of the nigth when Coldplay they had to go :(. It was a very special moment like it woud be magic and I like it so much cuz in these moment the production threw confetti to the audience and you can´t see in the photo but in the background they were launching fireworks. The ligths were so shiny in the nigth and for more magic it was raining! I like rain and the fact that it was raining even more special moment. 

The photo it reminds me diarialy one of the very special moments in my life, since I was child I hearded everyday Coldplay in Youtube and the dream of meeting they in live. 



  1. nicee, i think that concert was magical<3

  2. I could hear that concert from my balcony :) I saw Coldplay on their first visit to Chile in Espacio Riesgo in 2007.


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