✐ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · :My Bff 💖: '。

Hello readers Kamy is here! I hope you are well ;3 today I want to tell you about a special person in my life, my bff Conna <3

Conna is my best friend since 8 years ago, she is a student of International Studies at the University of Santiago and she is a great illustrator. We met when we started 7th grade in a high school called Carmela Carvajal de Prat, CCP is a high school where the grades start in 7th grade so the generation that entered this high school in 2016 we were all new and we were 6 classes from A to F, Conna and I entered 7-E.

The first day of school was very hot and the windows of the classroom could not be opened and Conna was our hero because she was the only person who could open it with great strength haha, so to show my gratitude I went to thank her, from that day we were friends.

We like a lot of romantic anime and music, she was a big fan of 1D and I was a big fan of 5SOS, these bands are friends so it was great to talk about these guys and their music with Conna. I like it when we go out to eat anywhere and we tell each other gossip, that's my perfect outing with my bff. I think the last time I saw her was on the 26th of March when we got together to give our Secret Santa gifts for December, a bit late I know  hehe.

I´m the dog and she are the cat when I need atention hahaha


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