Japan A Dream Country

Good morning guys Kamy is here!

After watching so many videos on Youtube about travelling I would like to tell you about a country I would like to visit maybe in a few years.

Japan 💟

Japan is a country located in the Asian continent, near China and South Korea. Ever since I was a kid one of my dreams was to one day visit this beautiful country, Japan has a beautiful landscape full of nature and civilization, Japan is a combination of balance of both, it also has a very ancient culture and advanced technology, but I will be honest I would like to go to Japan for the anime haha. I want to go to this Asian country with my older brother who is 30 years old, he likes this country a lot like me (he is a big fan of anime too). A sad fact is that Japan is an expensive country to visit, the round trip ticket to Japan costs around 1200 dollars, accommodation and food costs more money, but maybe we would spend around two weeks to visit the popular places in Japan like Osaka, Kanazawa, Nagoya, Kumamoto, Kyoto, Hokkaido, Sendai and of course Tokyo, the capital of Japan which has the famous Shibuya crossing, Tokyo tower, Pokemon Center and Akihabara.


  1. whoa, Japan look interesting and so beauty, nice blog<3

  2. My number one country to visit in Japan! its landscapes are very beautiful


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